Constituent centres

The constituent centres complement the activities of the coordinating site in terms of expertise, recourse, research and training. The Spin@ CRMR comprises 2 constituent sites located in Rennes and Tours.

CHU of Rennes / Urological Surgery Department

CHU Rennes Pontchaillou
2 rue Henri le Guilloux 35000 Rennes

  • Coordinator : Pr Benoit Peyronnet
  • Medical referent : Dr Emmanuelle Samson
  • Pathologies : Dysraphism and vertebral malformations
  • Patient : Child-adult
  • Telephone : 02 99 28 97 63
  • Mail :
  • Website:

The team


A urologist specialising in neuro-urology, his activity at the CHU de Rennes focuses on the care of functional urinary pathologies (urinary incontinence, genitourinary prolapse, bladder hyperactivity, lower urinary tract symptoms, bladder pain syndrome), neurological bladders and reconstruction of the urinary tract.

Dr Emmanuelle SAMSON

A physical medicine and rehabilitation doctor at CHRU RENNES specialising in the care of children with dysraphism, functional urinary pathologies in children and vesicosphincter and anorectal disorders linked to neurological pathology.

Sandrine DENOUAL and Mathilde GOUESSE

Coordination nurses trained in therapeutic patient education. ◦ Collection and redirection of requests from all over France and abroad; Reception, organisation and management of care pathways; Liaison between patients, families, teams and external providers; Care education.

Medical genetics

At Rennes University Hospital, the medical genetics team is heavily involved in the management of dysraphism (Pr Sylvie Odent and Ms Linda Akloul, genetic counsellor).

The department has a coordinating reference centre for developmental abnormalities in the west of France, which is also part of the AnDDI-Rares network. We meet families affected by a neural tube defect, both prenatally and postnatally, to clarify genetic counselling, help couples with their pregnancy plans and look for any associated anomalies (syndromic forms).

The genetic counsellor attends the multidisciplinary consultation at the “vertebral anomalies and spina bifida” reference centre (SPIN@), where a genetic consultation is systematically offered. The team works closely with the molecular genetics laboratory, in particular Dr Marie Faoucher, who interprets the exomes produced locally and the genomes sequenced on the Seqoia platform. Foetopathological examinations are carried out by Dr Chloé Quélin, a geneticist and foetopathologist. She also carries out the consultation and reports the results with the resulting genetic advice. Research is carried out by the IGDR team led by Valérie Dupé (Institut de Génétique et Développement de Rennes CNRS INSERM UMR 6290, ERL U1305). GÉNÉTIQUE DES PATHOLOGIES DU DÉVELOPPEMENT DU NEURECTODERME | Institut de Génétique & Développement de Rennes (

Pathologies covered by the Rennes site

  • Dysraphisms: Spina bifida, Myelocystocele, Caudal Regression Syndrome, Primary Attached Cord Syndrome
  • Vertebral malformations: scoliosis, hemivertebra, vertebral bar, spinal anomalies associated with rare developmental anomalies

For more information: site internet

CHRU of TOURS / Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgery Department

Hôpital pédiatrique Gatien de Clocheville
49 Bld Béranger TOURS

The team

Pr Thierry ODENT

A paediatric orthopaedic surgeon based in Tours, he is head of the paediatric orthopaedic surgery department at the Clocheville hospital and heads the SPIN@ constituent centre. He leads the management of these pathologies in western France (clinical research, collegial patient review, etc.).

Pr Hubert LARDY

A paediatric visceral surgeon in Tours, he is head of the paediatric visceral surgery department at the Clocheville Hospital. He is also head of the paediatrics unit at Tours University Hospital.

Ms Catherine FREMONT

A nurse by qualification and a clinical research associate, she is responsible for coordinating the Grand Ouest network of rare complex vertebral pathologies in paediatrics, the active file at the Tours centre and helps research in this field and the care pathway for patients.

Diseases covered

  • Complex deformities of the spine and spinal cord
  • Associated bladder-sphincter disorders

For more information: